I create stunning websites for your business, Highly experienced in web design and development.
Minimal responsive websites.
Clean Logo designs.
Specialize in neat and clean code.
Iterate through the files in the in the source destination, Make directories if not present in the source destination, Split the file extension and file name, Move the files as per their file type, (JPG and PNG in the Images folder) Add number in the filename if the file already exists in the directory, Modules used OS, SHUTIL & PATHLIB. more
Module used PyGame, Random, Enum & Collections more
Module used in Random more
Convert password into SHA128 HASH, Check the HASH with the help of API, API used PwnedPasswords.com, Give the number of times the password is leaked, Notify the user to change the password in case of breaches, Modules used in Requests, Hashlib & Sys. more
Shows Date and time in real-time, HTML, CSS & JavaScript, more
Ravi Kant is a frontend developer with experience in backend development. He is also a logo designer and a hobbyist photographer. Check out my Portfolio
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